La Danza Libera ZazuMove – Movimento


La filosofia della danza libera di ZazuMove con movimento individuale. Vedo tutte le persone come il creatore e l’artista della propria vita. Crisi, problemi, conflitti, malattie servono come segnali per intraprendere nuove strade. Viviamo in un mondo che si sta trasformando, quindi non basta solo guardare ma anche participare.



La danza libera come l’espressione fisica occupa un ruolo speciale. La danza come il collegamento fra sensazione, mente e movimento animato aiuta tutti gli esseri umani ad entrare in contatto con se stesso, gli altri ed anche in un stato spirituale.

La danza libera è immediata, spontanea, rende le cose consapevole, permette di giocare, per sperimentare e conduce ad una completezza dell’esperienza propria. La danza aiuta ad essere presenti al momento ed è l’energia, l’emozione e espressione nel movimento. Chi si muove è in risonanza generata, l’energia scorre, i gesti, il linguaggio del corpo e la tensione del corpo fanno effetto internamente ed esternamente. Gli elementi di tempo, spazio, potenza, dinamica, flusso di movimento e pure il proprio ritmo saranno sentiti in tutti modi. Prendo tutto questo come un punto di partenza dell’auto-consapevolezza, guarigione, contatto e incontro con se stesso ed il mondo con la danza libera.




Siete tutti benvenuti e spero di incontrare e danzare con molti altri dancing souls. In love ZazuMove

50 thoughts on “La Danza Libera ZazuMove – Movimento

    • 🙂 🙂 Thank you so much, dear and life smiles 🙂 , this is a great honour for me. I will be happy to accept your nomination, although I will need some time to create my response. All the very best smiles to you,
      Katharina 🙂

    • In the “better late than never” category: congratulations on your well deserved award and also for nominating my blog. I am honoured that you considered “ZazuMove” worthy of such an award. Thank you Francesca, I am filled with gratitude, it means much to me. I will blog about your award in the next days (I never give up hoping to have enough time… 😉 )
      PS Sorry for my late reply, unfortunately I have been off-line for a longer period…

    • A huge thank you to you Francine, Iam enjoying your blog, love to see ´Photography-Life` all over the world 🙂 . All best wishes and blessings, Katharina

    • Thanks for the tip, I started to blog some month ago and I have still to learn a loooott!! But my recent posts are all in English.. if you like to have a look?

    • … where do I find that translate button? Maybe I have to contact the support team… si, I’ll do it tomorrow! Thank you once more!

    • Well, well this translation program produces quite surreal texts quite often. But it helps to get an idea what`s the text about.
      Greeting from the Norfolk coast
      Klausbernd and his chirpy Bookfayries Siri & Selma 🙂 🙂

  1. Google used to ask me if I wanted something translated…it didn’t this time so I just went to Google translator and popped in your post…

    I think free dancing is like singing in the shower – something we can all do in privacy and enjoy the connections our souls make to the universe. 🙂

    Thank you for your visits.

    • Hello “jewels” poem writer,
      you are right, I use to say “dancing with the scrubber while cleaning the house”… 🙂 Thank you for your visit here too, I look already forward to my next visit to yours! Have a delightful weekend, Katharina

  2. Danke für deinen freundlichen Worte in meinem Blog und ich zeige vorwiegend Bilder, da mir Fotografie viel Freude macht und es ein Hobby von mir geworden ist.
    Werde dir folgen und sei lieb gegrüßt von Mathilda ♥
    Tilde ist ein schöner Name *freu*

    • Hallo Mathilda,
      auch diese liebe Nachricht ist im Spam gelandet, gut daß ich eben auf Deinem Blog war… Du hast ein tolles Hobby und machst wunderbare Fotos… meinem Empfinden nach professionelle! Nochmals herzliche Grüße, Katharina

  3. Katharina,
    Wunderschön! Ich werde es mir schön gemütlich machen und weiterlesen.
    Mein Italienisch ist nicht ausgezeichnet, dennoch habe ich alles mitbekommen. Hurra!
    Okay, I saw that your last posts are in English 🙂
    I love the language combinations. Genuine idea.

    • Thank you for visiting my blog – i have been tardy returning the favor, sorry about that. Looking forward to visit your blog agian, friendly from Italy

    • 🙂 🙂 checked out your blog… you are human 🙂 Looking forward to reading more! Thank you for your comment and liking my page danza libera. If you would like to read a bit more, you can put the URL adress(es) in … just in case and avoiding to be italian 🙂 . As I mostly got to english written blogs up to now, I already started to write in english either (all “immages aforismi”, most videos and some posts are just in english). “Seeing” soon again, Katharina

    • Katharina

      “pushes easy button”

      You are very kind
      Now that you thought of it
      I’ll just do it
      Not so sure I’m human
      Though I’m glad you think so : )


    • Zazu

      See, all I need to do is dance again to become human
      Terrific : )

      Translation from danza libera:

      “The free dance as the physical expression occupies a special role. Dance as the link between feeling, mind and motion animated help all humans into contact with self, others and also in a spiritual state.

      The free dance is immediate, spontaneous, makes things conscious, to play, to experiment and leads to a complete experience. Dancing helps to be present at the time and the energy, emotion and movement expression. Those moves is generated resonance, energy flows, gestures, body language and body tension make effect internally and externally. The elements of time, space, power, dynamics, stream movement and also its rhythm will be felt in all ways. I take this as a starting point of self-awareness, healing, contact and meeting with self and the world with the free dance.”

      Thank you


    • Ciao Way,
      oh, thank you for the translation. Although…hm, the English text seems to be pilling it on a bit… 🙂 I’am not a native speaker, perhabs this is why… I like your blog much, your motto “Living – growing a soul in wonder” reminds me of my twins, that’s exactly what they “teach” me – or try to!! I’ll be back soon! Thank you again for your feedback and translation, Katharina

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